If you are a representative looking to schedule a visit, we are available on Rep Visits. Contact Wali ( with any questions.
What are Rep Visits?
Rep Visits are small group opportunities for ICE students to meet with an admissions representative from a specific college. These meetings provide an opportunity to learn more about colleges that interest you in a more personalized environment.
A typical rep visit consists of a presentation by the college representative providing an overview of the institution, followed by an opportunity for students to ask questions on more specific areas.
Rep Visits held during the school day. Visits begin mid-September and go through early November. A full calendar is here.
Rep Visit Attendance Policy
Register at least a day in advance. 12th graders can sign up through Naviance or in-person in Room 522B. 11th graders, since you do not yet have access to Naviance, please come to 522B to register or email with your name and the name of the visit you want to attend.
When you register, check with your teacher for the class you will be missing to verify that you can attend the visit during that period.
On the day of the visit, pick up a yellow visit pass. These passes will be available outside of Room 522B. Bring the pass to your teacher for the period you are missing and have them officially sign off that you received their approval to attend the visit that day, as well as any missing work. When you arrive at 522B for the visit, show your pass to Molly or Wali.
What should I do in a Rep Visit?
Before: Come prepared! Do a little research about the school, such as programs they offer you might be interested in, and write down at least three questions to ask during the session. See the "20+ Questions to Ask College Representatives" document for a few ideas about where to start.
During: Engaged students make a great impression! Keep your attention on the representative, ask questions, and chime in if they request student participation.
After: Thank the admissions representative for coming and ask for their email address if you are interested in staying in touch.