10th and 11th grade Field Day POSTPONED to MONDAY JUNE 7

Due to possible rain and thunderstorms tomorrow, we are postponing the 10th and 11th grade Field Day to Monday June 7th. Tomorrow will be a regular Thursday schedule for all students. On Monday they will join 6th and 7th grade who are also having their Field Day. Forecast looks sunny and warm.

10th and 11th grade students will receive more specific info about their grad req classes from their advisors.

Vaccination Scholarship Incentive

Parents or guardians of any New Yorker, ages 12 to 17, can enter their child who has received at least their first COVID-19 vaccine dose (at any time), for a chance to win one of 50, four-year full-ride scholarships (includes tuition, room and board, books and supplies) to any New York State public college or university.


Parents and guardians, add your name HERE

to be alerted on how and when to enter your child for a chance to win a full scholarship to any New York Public College or University.

Emergency Broadband Benefit

The Emergency Broadband Benefit is an FCC program to help families and households struggling to afford Internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic. This new benefit will connect eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services, virtual classrooms, and so much more.

About the Emergency Broadband Benefit
The Emergency Broadband Benefit will provide a discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price.

The Emergency Broadband Benefit is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household.

For more information: https://www.fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit

Please complete the NYC School Survey

Every year, all parents, teachers, students in grades 6-12 and select school support staff take the NYC School Survey. The survey helps school leaders understand what key members of their school community think about the learning environment at their school. The information captured by the survey is designed to support a dialogue among all members of the school community about how to make the school a better place to learn.

Take the survey HERE

Families should enter “f” followed by their child’s nine-digit Student Identification (OSIS) Number to access the survey. Note that “f” must be lowercase. Families can find their child’s Student Identification Number on their New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) or contact Lisa for assistance.

More info HERE

Important Calendar Dates

Thursday May 13: No school - Eid Al-Fitr

Tuesday May 25: Career Day - Grades 8-11 - All Remote

Thursday May 27: Teacher Appreciation Day

Monday May 31: No school - Memorial Day

Thursday June 3: Regular school day

Thursday June 10: Last day of regular classes

Friday June 11: Asynchronous Day - Assignments will be posted - No live classes - No in-person school

Week of June 14: Modified Schedule - Projects and Presentation Week

Thursday and Friday June 17 and 18: Student Led Conferences - No classes

Monday and Tuesday June 21 and 22: No school - Stepping Up and Graduation ceremonies

Wednesday and Thursday June 23 and 24: Remote half days - 9:45 - 12

Friday June 25: Last day of school - Advisory Goodbyes

College Info Night for HS Families: Thursday May 6 6:00-7:30pm

Everything You Wanted to Know About College but were Afraid to Ask

Missed the meeting? Here is the recording: https://youtu.be/2ARc5GOAeiU

Carolyn will be hosting a virtual College Info Night featuring a select group of college admissions representatives. This is your chance to bring your questions and learn everything there is to know about this important process!

Zoom Link

Career Day - We Need Speakers for Tuesday May 25, 2021

If you or someone you know might be interested in speaking to our high school students about your/their work or career path, please use this form to share some information with our Career Day Team. Fill it out for yourself or send it along to someone you know. Here is a template of a letter you can use. We are looking for both traditional and non-traditional paths / jobs.

This will be an online event on Tuesday May 25th.

Maybe interested? No commitment required.

PA Meeting: Substance Use, Mis-use and Prevention Wednesday April 21 6pm - 8pm

Join us to hear from Fred Muench, President - The Parnership to End Addiction

Fred is a clinical psychologist, a father of two teenage boys, in recovery from heroin addiction, and the President of The Partnership to End Addiction. He works with young people and families to build resilience and positive life outcomes, with policymakers to change draconian drug laws, and researchers and providers to provide evidence-based treatment. At the Partnership, he and his team run the nation's largest family helpline to support individuals to prevent and overcome addiction.

Please complete this PRE-MEETING SURVEY to help Fred target the concerns of our community.

Meeting Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88484915498?pwd=ajN5Q0xqYzNzSmQ3Zmt6RTFtUzQ0QT09

Meeting ID: 884 8491 5498

Passcode: 866092

HANDOUT from Fred Muench

Plan Ahead: College Financial Aid Night for 9th and 10th grade families

Wednesday April 14th @ 6pm

Seasoned financial aid expert, Kal Cheny, will offer crucial insights and advice on how to prepare financially to send your students to college. Don't miss this opportunity -- this may seem far away now, but it is around the corner! Please feel free to send any questions you may have for Kal to Carolyn at Carolyn@iceeducate.org and he will make sure to get them answered.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81827401213?pwd=WmI2SG51bTJHeTZqUmJLRGI4MWpwdz09

Meeting ID: 818 2740 1213

Passcode: 562439

Changes regarding State tests for middle school students

We have just learned that the DOE has changed their position regarding the State tests for grades 3-8, for this year. 

Students are not required to take the State tests and they will not be penalized if they do not take the tests. Rather than opting out, as in previous years, students must now opt-in if they intend to take the tests

For planning purposes, please fill out this survey only IF you would like your child to take the State tests. 

Only students who want to take the tests need to fill out this form. 

Students who are remote will have to come into school if they want to take the tests.


  • ELA: Wednesday April 21

  • Math: Wednesday May 5

Missed the Town Hall? Here's what you need to know:

Town Hall Slide Deck - Information about Trimester 3 schedules

Recording of the Meeting - 3/22/2021

Change your status with the DOE - Remote / Blended:

The DOE learning preference survey will be open from March 24th to April 7th.


Families who have selected our hybrid learning program but are currently listed as remote with the DOE should have received an email from Lisa prompting them to change their status.

Fill out the Consent for Covid Testing form:

Choose one of these two methods:

  • Use your NYCSA account: Log in or create an account here: https://mystudent.nyc You do not need an account creation code to access the form for consent for covid testing. If you did this earlier in the school year, no need to do it again.

  • Fill out this form and return it to lisableyer@iceeducate.org . If you sent this in before Jan 2021, please send a new one.

More information about the DOE covid testing is available HERE

Next PA meeting: Thursday March 18 @ 6 pm

Special guest: Pediatrician Cheryl Wu

It’s now been a year of business not-as-usual. Should you be concerned about your child’s mental health? 

Dr. Cheryl Wu will speak to us about the warning signs and guiding principles she has been using in her own practice to help students and families get through the year. She will share with us what she’s observed in her patients over the past year, and we will have a brief question and answer period. We also hope to have one or more of nyICE’s counseling staff on hand to share resources and information specific to our school.

Also at this meeting:

COVID testing isn’t the only testing! While there is a grassroots, and now Congressional, effort to push back, the Biden administration has signaled that states must still give standardized tests this year. At nyICE, that means 6th-8th grade math & ELA tests, 8th grade science tests, and the ELA Regents exam (high school). Parent reps from nyICE PAC will be sharing more about this, including how and why you should consider refusing the exams on your child’s behalf. In addition, our principal Pete will report to us on the specific ways nyICE students are being assessed and graded this year, and whether or not having state test scores will play a part in teaching and learning decisions at our school going forward.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88484915498?pwd=ajN5Q0xqYzNzSmQ3Zmt6RTFtUzQ0QT09

Meeting ID: 884 8491 5498

Passcode: 866092

Guarde la fecha: la próxima reunión de la Asociación de Padres es el jueves 18 de marzo, 6 PM

Invitada especial: Pediatra Cheryl Wu

Ha sido un año de negocios no habituales. ¿Debe preocuparse por la salud mental de su hijo?

La Dra. Cheryl Wu nos hablará sobre las señales de advertencia y los principios rectores que ha estado utilizando en su propia práctica para ayudar a los estudiantes y las familias a superar el año. Compartirá con nosotros lo que ha observado en sus pacientes durante el último año, y tendremos un breve período de preguntas y respuestas. También esperamos contar con la presencia de uno o más miembros del personal de asesoramiento de nyICE para compartir recursos e información específica de nuestra escuela.

También en esta reunión:

¡Las pruebas COVID no son las únicas pruebas! Si bien hay un esfuerzo de base, y ahora del Congreso, para oponerse, la administración de Biden ha señalado que los estados deben seguir dando pruebas estandarizadas este año. En nyICE, eso significa exámenes de matemáticas y ELA de 6º a 8º grado, exámenes de ciencias de 8º grado y el examen Regents de ELA (escuela secundaria). Los representantes de los padres de nyICE PAC compartirán más información sobre esto, incluyendo cómo y por qué debería considerar rechazar los exámenes en nombre de su hijo. Además, nuestro director Pete nos informará sobre las formas específicas en que los estudiantes de nyICE están siendo evaluados y calificados este año, y si tener o no los resultados de las pruebas estatales jugará un papel en las decisiones de enseñanza y aprendizaje en nuestra escuela en el futuro.

Panel Discussion on Between the World and Me: Wednesday February 24 @ 6pm


We are excited to invite you to a live panel discussion with three of the award-winning filmmakers of “Between the World and Me”. "Between the World and Me" is an excellent and important new film based on Ta-Nehisi Coates’ best-selling book of the same title.

Alisa Payne, Producer and nyICE parent, Kamilah Forbes, Director, and David Teague, Writer (adapted for film) and Supervising Editor will discuss and answer questions regarding race in America.

This event is suitable for all ages and we invite you to include your whole family.

The film is currently available for free streaming on HBO here

So how can you be a part of this event?

  • Stream the movie here any time before the live event on Wednesday, Feb, 24th. Better yet, organize a watch party with your friends, class, club or family! You have to create an account with HBO.com, but there is no cost. The film is 85 minutes long.

  • Join the live panel discussion with your family from 6-7:15 pm on Wednesday, Feb. 24th.  

Whether you watch the film before or after the event, you won't want to miss this important conversation. 

Join us on Wednesday February 24th at 6:00pm. 

Here is the zoom link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88484915498?pwd=ajN5Q0xqYzNzSmQ3Zmt6RTFtUzQ0QT09

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