Missed the Town Hall? Here's what you need to know:

Town Hall Slide Deck - Information about Trimester 3 schedules

Recording of the Meeting - 3/22/2021

Change your status with the DOE - Remote / Blended:

The DOE learning preference survey will be open from March 24th to April 7th.


Families who have selected our hybrid learning program but are currently listed as remote with the DOE should have received an email from Lisa prompting them to change their status.

Fill out the Consent for Covid Testing form:

Choose one of these two methods:

  • Use your NYCSA account: Log in or create an account here: https://mystudent.nyc You do not need an account creation code to access the form for consent for covid testing. If you did this earlier in the school year, no need to do it again.

  • Fill out this form and return it to lisableyer@iceeducate.org . If you sent this in before Jan 2021, please send a new one.

More information about the DOE covid testing is available HERE