Volunteering at ICE

Picture Day for the Senior Class & Retakes – Friday, November 16th, 8:00am - 12:00pm
 Picture Day Volunteers  (7 volunteers needed from 8:00am – 12:00pm)

ICE Beautification & Repairs
Beautification Volunteer 
Folks (one with a truck/other for extra muscle power) to drive together and pick up 2-person sofa in Park Slope and drive to ICE and install in Pete’s office. During school hours or right before school starts.
Wine Tasting Fundraiser – Friday, December 7th, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Wine Tasting Day of Volunteer (5 Volunteers to setup & clean up )
Wine Tasting Food Donation (Cheese and charcuterie boards, finger foods, etc.)

For a full list with detailed descriptions of opportunities visit our website to view the "Parent Life" tab or click Volunteer Opportunities now.

Annual Family Contribution

Who is John Pettinato and what did he establish in 1993?  Trivia buff extraordinaire, Rich B, stated it best:  

"John is a Social Worker/Teacher who started the Institute for Collaborative Education for children who had a hard time fitting in and developing in "regular" public schools. Loosely modeled after Alexander Neill at Summerhill but without the self-governing. He was the principal for about 20 years."

Thanks to the vision, drive and fearlessness of John Pettinato, we have I.C.E., the splendid NYC public school that educates our kids regardless of politics, scandal, and fiscal restraints.  Though the school has undergone many changes since its inception, it still bucks the trends that would make it "regular". 

If you haven't already made your Family Contribution reach for your checkbook and donate. 

Matching Contribution - Does your company offer corporate matching? If so, you may be able to double (or even triple) your contributions to I.C.E.! If you donate to the Family Contribution Drive, these donations are eligible for matching programs.  You can also check with your HR department.


SAVE THE DATE! ICE DRAMA SHOW! The 7th & 8th Grade Drama Elective has partnered with NYU Devised Theater students to create an original, site-specific show about Stuyvesant Square Park. 

Come and meet Peter Gerard Stuyvesant, Gertrude Vanderbilt, Antonín Dvořák, and the cast of characters that will cross time and space to be in the park together for just one afternoon. Our park has stories to tell, and we invite you to come and be a part of it all. Bring yours friends, family, and comfortable footwear (we will walk around the park for the performance). 

Join us on 
Wednesday, October 24th at 4:30PM 
Friday, October 26th at 3:30PM 

Show runs approx. 50 minutes. 

Meet us at the gate on E 15th St. between 2nd Ave & Rutherford Pl. 

Dramatically Yours, 
Natalie Mack & ICE Drama 

Volunteering at ICE 

Learn all there is to know about our unique school. See the vision as it unfolds. Be amazed at the care that goes into each and every student....
Treasurers-in-Training (1 volunteer) – 2hrs/wk @school, rest online 
We are thrilled to have an awesome 6th Grade Dad join the 9-month training program for Treasurer. We do however need one more parent on the team. Let us know ASAP if you are interested.

I.C.E. PAC (Parent Action Committee)
Join I.C.E. PAC to help inform our fellow parents about progressive education policies and practices and to advocate for local, state, and federal education policies that center children's needs and the public sphere over corporate interests. Interested? Email I.C.E. PAC parent Kemala Karmen (children in 9th and 12th grades).

SPRING FLING SF Procurement Team  (10 volunteers)

For a full list with detailed descriptions of opportunities visit our website to view the "Parent Life" tab or click Volunteer Opportunities now.

Annual Family Contribution 

For week 5, we challenge all of you to sift through your email or ask your child,

"What the heck does PBAT stand for?"

Given that the PBAT is central to the I.C.E. philosophy around testing and grading, no time like the present to suss out its meaning.

Submit your Week 5 Trivia Answerby tonight. As usual, the winner will be chosen at random next weekend.

Please, as you are mulling the answer, reach for your checkbook now, or clickFamily Contributionand donate.

Matching Contribution- Does your company offer corporate matching? If so, you may be able to double (or even triple) your contributions to I.C.E.! If you donate to the Family Contribution Drive, these donations are eligible for matching programs.  You can also check with your HR department.

Thank you!
See you tomorrow at theBack to School FUNdraiser.

For week 5, we challenge all of you to sift through your email or ask your child,

"What the heck does PBAT stand for?"

Given that the PBAT is central to the I.C.E. philosophy around testing and grading, no time like the present to suss out its meaning.

Submit your Week 5 Trivia Answerby tonight. As usual, the winner will be chosen at random next weekend.

Please, as you are mulling the answer, reach for your checkbook now, or clickFamily Contributionand donate.

Matching Contribution- Does your company offer corporate matching? If so, you may be able to double (or even triple) your contributions to I.C.E.! If you donate to the Family Contribution Drive, these donations are eligible for matching programs.  You can also check with your HR department.

Thank you!
See you tomorrow at theBack to School FUNdraiser.

ICE Senior Internships 

All ICE seniors are currently exploring their options for their spring semester internship, when they will available four days per week from January 29--June 13.

Every year, we rely on the help of the ICE community to find as many exciting new opportunities as possible for our kids. If you or someone you know would like to find out more about the possibility of mentoring an exceptionally hard-working, mature, capable senior, please check out thisinformational sheetfor more details about our program as well as feedback from former ICE mentors and a list of former ICE internship sites, and contact Internship CoordinatorJosh Torpey.

Thank you!  

Bus Traffic and Institute for Collaborative Education  

Dear I.C.E. Families,

The 15-month L train shutdown is scheduled for April 2019. The MTA's current plan for when the L train is down is to have shuttle buses do drop off on 15th street, in front of I.C.E. There would be an estimated 30-35 buses dropping off between 8:00am and 9:00am, which puts our neighborhood in jeopardy - that's a huge number of people crowding the neighborhood where 2 schools and a hospital are co-located. There are alternates to the plan where the bus turns left on 17th street.
A letter was crafted to  NYC Transit that I would like us, the concerned parents of I.C.E., to send via email directly to Mr. Book, his email is Marcus.Book@nyct.com please also cc: srenwick@schools.nyc.gov
Below is the letter to send, cut, paste and add your name.


Dear Mr. Book:
I am a parent of a child who attends the Institute for Collaborative Education at 345 E. 15 St, a building that houses 2 additional schools: HSHP and PS 226 in District 75.
It is now public knowledge that there is a plan to create a bus stop for MTA shuttle buses in front of my child's school on 1st avenue and 15th street in Manhattan. It has come to our attention that due to the L train shutdown there will be thousands of people taking these buses and exiting directly adjacent to our school at the precise times when all children should be entering the building. Included in the 2,500 students are at least 75 young people with severe developmental disabilities. I am deeply concerned that this plan jeopardizes the safety of 2,500 children who attend this school and will create additional traffic and safety issues for the neighboring emergency room and hospital. 
Please know that as parents we are prepared to take all steps necessary to see that this plan is changed to ensure for the safety of ours and all of the children who attend school on this block. We are prepared to meet to discuss this, or communicate via alternative representation should we not hear about a change in plans immediately.
Thank you for your attention to this serious matter,

PTA Meeting & Presentation 

This meeting is for all I.C.E. families, not only high school families - early planning is the key to reducing college costs and maximizing aid opportunities. 

The I.C.E. PTA is delighted to have Kalman ("Kal") A. Chany, nationally recognized expert on educational financing, back at I.C.E.  Kal will discuss Financial Planning for College, what we can do to prepare for college costs as early as middle school. 

It’s not too early or late so join us for this don't-miss event. 

PTA Meeting and Presentation, Wednesday, October 17th at 6pm, Rm 518

Spring Fling Meeting -- Next Wednesday 

Interested in joining the Committee to plan the biggest fundraising event of the school year? Here is what we need:

SF Procurement Coordinator (2 volunteer), Oct - May, online – oversee the donations team, work with bidding for good, etc. You will be trained.

SF Procurement Team  (10 volunteers)

SF Entertainment Team (5 volunteers)

SF Decoration Team (5 volunteers)

SF Catering Team (5 volunteers)

Spring Fling Meeting – Wednesday, October 10th at 6:00pm in Brooklyn 2 blocks from the Barclay Center. Please RSVP

SAVE THE DATE! - Spring Fling is Friday, May 3, 2019, 6:00pm

Spring Fling Team 2018-2019

Volunteering at ICE 

Learn all there is to know about our unique school. See the vision as it unfolds. Be amazed at the care that goes into each and every student....

Treasurers-in-Training (1 volunteer) – 2hrs/wk @school, rest online 

We are thrilled to have an awesome 6th Grade Dad join the 9-month training program for Treasurer. We do however need one more parent on the team. Let us know ASAP if you are interested.

I.C.E. PAC (Parent Action Committee)

Join I.C.E. PAC to help inform our fellow parents about progressive education policies and practices and to advocate for local, state, and federal education policies that center children's needs and the public sphere over corporate interests. Interested? Email I.C.E. PAC parent Kemala Karmen (children in 9th and 12th grades).

PTA Spanish Language Translator  (2 volunteers) online only, several parents take turn translating the weekly newsletter & special announcements for the online Spanish page

Town Meeting Scribe  (2-4 volunteers)

  1. Attend weekly Town Meeting (Wednesdays at 10:50am - 11:39am) to take minutes  

  2. Prepare the minutes for distribution to parents via MailChimp (tutorial available). 

  3. Several parents take turns attending Town Meeting. The number of times you are attending meetings depends on the amount of volunteers and their availability

For a full list with detailed descriptions of opportunities visit our website to view the "Parent Life" tab or click Volunteer Opportunities now.