Back-to-School Fundraiser  

The Party to kick-off the school year is next Saturday. Online ticket sales end Thursday, October 11th at 8:00pm. Tickets are available at the door.

Tickets are $30 for one and $50 for two - Purchase Tickets Now  

  • Cookout / BBQ

  • Raffle Tickets

  • Music

  • Cocktails

  • Mix and Mingle with fellow I.C.E. parents

B2S Food Donation sign up online.

Back to School Fundraiser Saturday, October 13th from 3:30pm – 7:00pm
Pete’s Candy Store, 709 Lorimer St, Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Annual Family Contribution 

Make your Family Contribution of $700 per child.

This week's trivia asks you to think about whether our school provides an environment that leads our kids to experiment, to develop and try out thesis.  Whether, as a small school, we are able to challenge and develop kids' love of learning as well as a large school. 

True or False -- I.C.E. has more NYSEF (New York Science and Engineering Fair) winners per capita than any other high school in NYC including Stuyvesant and Bronx Science.

Submit your Trivia Answers Week 4 by tonight.

Please, as you are mulling the answer, reach for your checkbook now, or click the link above and donate to a school that goes up against any school when it comes to prestigious academic competitions.  Your donation goes directly to support the teaching that sends our kids to NYSEF as well as many other competitions throughout the year.  We could not have a curriculum nearly as robust without the funds you provide - please, don't delay, contribute today.

Matching Contribution - Does your company offer corporate matching? If so, you may be able to double (or even triple) your contributions to I.C.E.! If you donate to the Family Contribution Drive, these donations are eligible for matching programs.  You can also check with your HR department.

Thank you and hope to see you soon at the Back to School event on October 13,

ICE Drama 

SAVE THE DATE! ICE DRAMA SHOW! The 7th & 8th Drama Elective has partnered with NYU Devised Theater students to create an original, site-specific show about Stuyvesant Square Park. Join us on Wednesday, October 24th at 4:30PM or on Friday, October 26th at 3:30PM for a journey through time in Stuyvesant Square Park! Show runs approx. 50 minutes. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks. 

ICE Drama is Looking for Parent Volunteers 

ICE Drama Elective (7th & 8th Grade) is looking for Costume Designers/managers! You’ll plan, purchase, fit and pull costumes (from the costume closet) for our upcoming site-specific shows on October 24th & 26th. Come and be a part of our talented ensemble as we share ICE MS Drama Elective’s first ever devised, site-specific show about Stuyvesant Square Park!

We will be performing this show along with students from NYU’s Devised Theater Graduate Course after school on October 24th & 26th. We need your talent and support in the coming weeks leading up to our shows.

ICE Senior Internships 

All ICE seniors are currently exploring their options for their spring semester internship, when they will available four days per week from January 29--June 13.

Every year, we rely on the help of the ICE community to find as many exciting new opportunities as possible for our kids. If you or someone you know would like to find out more about the possibility of mentoring an exceptionally hard-working, mature, capable senior, please check out this informational sheet for more details about our program as well as feedback from former ICE mentors and a list of former ICE internship sites, and contact Internship Coordinator Josh Torpey.

ICE PAC (Parent Action/Education Advocacy Committee)

2017-18 TEST SCORES RELEASED--Nearly a month into this school year, NY State finally released test scores from last year's 3rd-8th grade tests. Despite a massive campaign to depress opt outs (via commercials--run by pro-business, pro-charter lobby groups, via misinformation--courtesy of the state and city, and via intimidation--reported by parents who reported being called into the principal's office to retract their test refusal letters) the rate of refusal continued to hover around the 20% mark. (The percentage has ranged from a high of 22% to this year's 18%.) New York City, as usual, lagged far behind the rest of the state, however there was a slight uptick in the number of refusals here to 4.4%. While I haven't been able to break down the stats yet, I imagine that our school would continue to have some of the highest numbers per capita, with a rate of over 80%. (I have to check with Pete for exact figures.)

As a parent involved in ICE PAC, I'd like to thank all of you who contributed to that number, and in so doing, stood up for more equitable and authentic assessments--and therefore more engaging pedagogy--for our children and the children of this city. To my great surprise, even the New York Post printed an article critical of the tests. Less surprising, but very informative, was the take Leonie Haimson (of the group Class Size Matters) posted on her blog.  

Would you like to help organize this year's opt out campaign or other pro-progressive ed policies? Contact Kemala to get on the mail list for ICE PAC!

Curriculum Night – Wednesday, September 26th

Dear ICE Families,

Please join us on Curriculum Night for a chance to meet teachers and parents while following an abbreviated version of your child's schedule! Come to ICE on Wednesday, September 26th at 5:45 pm. See the attendants at the table outside of the 15th street side elevator on the 5th floor to receive your schedule. Schedules sorted by advisory section are also attached if you would like to see your schedule before the 26th.

First period begins promptly at 6 pm and the night moves fast and always is a lot of fun. Hope to see you then!

ICE Faculty


ICE Drama Club

Welcome back, ICE Drama Club! Our first Drama Club meeting will take place in the Auditorium on Tuesday, September 18th from 3:15 - 4:30PM. This meeting is mandatory for returning members, and new members are encouraged to attend and receive more information about ICE Drama Club and what's in store for us this year.  Please feel free to reach out to Natalie or Sammi with any questions. 

Please note that the Drama Club t-shirt fundraiser is in full swing! Show your arts support and get your Drama swag here for the new school year:


Dates & Events to Remember

Parents please include these important dates on your schedule:

  • No School – Rosh Hashanah, Mon, Sept 10th & Tue, Sept 11th
  • MS After School starts Wed, Sept 12th, 3pm – 6pm
  • PTA Meeting, Wed, Sept 12th, 6pm Rm 518
  • No School – Yom Kippur, Wed, Sept 19th
  • 5k RUN WALK Event Volunteer– Sat, Sept 22nd, Randall’s Island, Check-in @10:15am, Race starts @ 11:00am
  • Grade-Wide Picnic - Sat, Sept 22nd, Randall’s Island, immediately following the 5K Run Walk
  • Curriculum Night – Wed, Sept 26, 5:30pm, 5th floor (schedule TBA)
  • Grade-Wide Meet & Greet – Wed, Sept 26, 7:30pm (designated classroom by grades – TBA)
  • Executive Board Meeting – Oct 1st
  • No School – Columbus Day – Oct 8th
  • Back to School Fundraiser – Sat, Oct 13th, 3:30 – 7:00pm
  • PTA Meeting – Wed, Oct 17th
  • Picture Day (grades 6-11) – Fri, Oct 19th
  • For a full schedule visit the ICE Website and view the calendar



Volunteering at I.C.E

Since its early days, I.C.E. has had extremely high levels of parent involvement. On a weekly basis we will feature volunteer opportunities available to you - some roles are on a one-time basis others are on-going, all vital roles that support our school and community

Click the link to the role that fits in your schedule. For detailed description review the post on the website or the weekly Eblasts or EMAIL US

Treasurers-in-Training (2 volunteers) – 2hrs/wk @school, rest online

7th Grade Representative (1-3hr/month; mostly online)

5k RUN WALK Event Volunteer– Sept 22nd 

Race Day: Course Marshall (5 volunteers)

Donations for runners would be appreciated 

Water (5 case – 24 or 48 bottles per case)

Healthy Snacks (Health Bars, Bananas, Apples, etc.)

Back To School Fundraiser – Saturday, October 13th, 3:30pm – 7:00pm

B2S Day of Volunteer (8 Volunteers) and

B2S Food Donation to find what is needed

Picture Day (Grades 6-11) – Friday, October 19th

Picture Day Volunteers (10 volunteers)

PTA Spanish Language Translator  

SF Soliciting Coordinator (1 volunteer), Sept-May

SF Entertainment Coordinator (1 volunteer) March – May

SF Wine Pull Coordinator (1 volunteer) March – May
Teacher Staff Holiday Gift Coordinator (1 volunteer) November & December

Town Meeting Scribe (1-2 volunteers)

ICE Merchandise Team Member (2-4 volunteers)

ICE and Fairway Community Partners  

Love shopping at Fairway?  Use our Fairway Market discount cards!  Share with family and friends and earn money for ICE.  Consider shopping at Fairway when bringing and donating food to future ICE events!

Every time you shop at any Fairway Market 3% of your total purchase will be donated to ICE.  To help us grow our donation even more, Fairway schedules a Double Day every quarter. On Double Day, every dollar that you spend counts twice.  Visit our ICE & Fairway webpage for savings opportunities. Please keep an eye out for on the website for Double Days.  Click HERE to find out if there is a Fairway Market near you. 

Fairway Cards will be available at the Sept 12th PTA Meeting as well as all other school-wide events in the coming months.

Amazon & ICE

If you are an Amazon shopper you can donate to I.C.E while you shop! I.C.E. is part of the Amazon Associates Program. That means that if you use this LINK every time you shop at Amazon I.C.E. will get up to 10% of your purchases in cash! It's an easy way to ensure extra dollars for I.C.E.'s amazing programs, extracurriculars and trips. To ensure all your purchases benefit I.C.E., use the LINK every time you shop on

On your first visit to AMAZON SMILE select ICE FOUNDATION INC. NY NY. Get more information on the ICE Website.

Grade-Wide Meet & Greet

It’s 7:30pm and you barely made it through the two hour marathon from class to class, you didn’t get the chance to talk with your friends in the hall between classes and you wish you had participated in the 5K Run Walk because it would have prepared you for the walk up to the 5th floor...take a minute or 10 to catch your breath, talk with your fellow grade-parents and enjoy parent time at the Grade-Wide Meet & Greet directly following Curriculum Night. More information will be sent out by your Grade Rep.


Picture Day (grades 6-11)

Students in grades 6-11 will have their photos taken by Stomping Ground on Friday, October 19th. Approximately two weeks later parents will receive online instructions on how to order packages for friends and family. Orders placed by the deadline will be delivered to school free of charge and given to your child.

The senior class will have their picture day on Nov 17th. Retakes and students who miss the Oct 19th date will also be photographed on Nov 17th.

More information will follow but for now Save the Date and you guessed it we need volunteers for the day of so click the link below (see Volunteer at ICE post).