Volunteering at I.C.E
/Since its early days, I.C.E. has had extremely high levels of parent involvement. On a weekly basis we will feature volunteer opportunities available to you - some roles are on a one-time basis others are on-going, all vital roles that support our school and community
Click the link to the role that fits in your schedule. For detailed description review the post on the website or the weekly Eblasts or EMAIL US
Treasurers-in-Training (2 volunteers) – 2hrs/wk @school, rest online
7th Grade Representative (1-3hr/month; mostly online)
5k RUN WALK Event Volunteer– Sept 22nd
Race Day: Course Marshall (5 volunteers)
Donations for runners would be appreciated
Water (5 case – 24 or 48 bottles per case)
Healthy Snacks (Health Bars, Bananas, Apples, etc.)
Back To School Fundraiser – Saturday, October 13th, 3:30pm – 7:00pm
B2S Day of Volunteer (8 Volunteers) and
B2S Food Donation to find what is needed
Picture Day (Grades 6-11) – Friday, October 19th
Picture Day Volunteers (10 volunteers)
PTA Spanish Language Translator
SF Soliciting Coordinator (1 volunteer), Sept-May
SF Entertainment Coordinator (1 volunteer) March – May
SF Wine Pull Coordinator (1 volunteer) March – May
Teacher Staff Holiday Gift Coordinator (1 volunteer) November & December