Back to School Fundraiser --- SAVE THE DATE

Please be patient while we build our Back to School page but while you wait add this date to your schedule. Our 4th Annual Back to School Fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, October 13th at Pete’s Candy Store, located at 709 Lorimer St in Brooklyn from 3:30pm – 7:00pm. This is an event for parents to meet and get to know each other. There will be signature drinks, raffles, food, music and great company for an enjoyable afternoon in the backyard.

We will need volunteers on the day of the event along with food donations so please click the link below (see Volunteer at ICE post) to volunteer.

Grade-Wide Picnic

The Grade-Wide Picnic is immediately following the 5k. Bring some snacks, beverages and games to connect or re-connect to the families in your grade. For more information email your grade reps. Not sure who your Grade Rep is? Grades 8th – 12th your grade reps are the same awesome folks from last year, 6th Grade – your Grade Reps will be contacting you shortly if they haven’t already done so. Unfortunately, we do not have Grade Reps for 7th grade but if any 7th grade parents (2 is better than 1) would like to volunteer click the link below (see Volunteer at ICE post).

We hope to see you all on Randall’s Island on Saturday, September 22nd.

I.C.E. 5K Run Walk

The 5K is on Saturday, September 22nd on Randall’s Island. Check-in begins at 10:15am and the race starts at 11:00am.

All volunteers should arrive at 9:00am to help set-up. We are still in need of 5 more course marshals if you are able to help sign up below (see Volunteer at ICE post).

If you haven’t signed up for the race you can do that HERE or directly from the website. We would like to see all ICE families on Randall’s Island participating in the 5K to support all students at ICE.

ICE Music Department

The ICE Music Dept is organizing a couple of cool events. In a couple of weeks there will be an ICE on Fire where all the staff will perform with some guests. The second activity will be a free-jazz workshop after school with William Parker (a free jazz legend.) Both activities are free and after school! Parents can come too. Visit the ICE Music Dept. webpage for more information.


Annual Family Contribution

The Annual Family Contribution Campaign 2018 began on Tuesday featuring a trivia quiz - Check your email every week to learn more about ICE and to answer trivia questions about your fabulous school.  All those who get the correct answer will be entered into the lottery to win a prize - one given each week, so be sure to enter weekly.

You can sign up to pay your family contribution of $700 per child HERE. Make a one-time payment, monthly payments, bi-monthly, weekly whatever you can afford however often you are able.

If your company offers Matching Contribution sign up for that too it’s no cost to you, find out how.


Welcome I.C.E. Families

Dear ICE Families (with extra consideration for those of you New to ICE):
I would like to welcome families new to our community and wish you and your kids a great start in this new school. ICE is a special place, unique in many ways which you will soon come to understand. We work very hard to make sure that all kids feel welcome here, and we prioritize what kids need at all times. That said - school starts very soon, and I want to be sure that you are aware or reminded of some important details. Here are a few important ones:

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Volunteering at I.C.E.  

Since its early days, I.C.E. has had extremely high levels of parent involvement. We are asking you to continue this trend by volunteering to fill these positions (click the associated link, each link is different, sign up for one or more position):

PTA Spanish Language Translator  online only

  1. Translate the weekly newsletter

  2. Upload translation to the Spanish page

  3. Work with a team taking turns with translation


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Summer Assignments & Supply Lists

2018 Summer Reading

It's that time of the year again - lazy days (at least a few) spent curled up with a great book ... or your summer reading assignment!  

Reading assignments can be found under the Student Life tab, scroll down to Summer Reading 2018 to download the reading assignment for your new grade.

2018-2019 Supply Lists

Avoid the fall back-to-school madness!

Supply lists for all grades for 2018/2019 are now available under the Student Life tab scroll down to Supply List 2018 to download the supply list for your new grade.

DOE Summer Meals Program Begins June 27th

As part of the DOE's commitment to ensure that all children have access to nutritious meals over the summer break, DOE Summer Meals Program will begin on June 27, 2018 - the day after the school year end. Summer Meals are available to all children 18 years old and under at hundreds of public schools, community pool centers, and other locations around the city; no registration, documentation, or ID is required to receive a free breakfast or lunch. 
This program will be offered weekdays from Wednesday, June 27, to Friday, August 31 (except July 4th and August 21st). Although the hours may vary by location, breakfast is typically served from 8:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m., and lunch from 11:00 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. All DOE summer feeding sites will have posters outside indicating the hours specific to that building. We have also placed advertisements to promote the program in subways and buses citywide.
For additional information on feeding locations, please visit: School Food NYC Summer   
This list will be updated every Friday until the start of the Summer Meals Program, when the updates will be daily and the site search will be active.

Immunization Requirements for 2018-2019 

The New York City Department of Health and the New York City Department of Education require that all students have the proper immunization.  Please plan ahead and talk to your pediatrician about your child and vaccines.  Please refer to the attached Parent Information Form for 2018 - 2019 School Year to be prepared for any immunizations your child may need for school in September 2018.

Immunization requirements have changed for school-age children in April, 2016 so please be mindful that some immunizations have been added and your child may require additional vaccines.

Learn more here

Family Income Inquiry Form Online

ICE is mailing out your Family Income Inquiry Form which can be completed online in the beginning of July.  Please take the time to fill out the online form beginning in July.  The Family Income Inquiry Form is a key factor in determining whether school's are eligible to receive Title 1 and other funding.  If you prefer not to complete the Family Income Inquiry Form online over the summer we will send a paper form home with your child in September.

Thank you for your help and have a great summer!

Announcing...The ICE Recording Studio is Amazing! 

Announcing...The ICE Recording Studio is Amazing! 

After a year and a half under construction, the ICE music department is thrilled to announce that thanks to funding from the PTA, our brand new recording studio is finished. It is fully equipped with all the necessary microphones, software, mixers, and other music geek essentials. The studio is also being used as a rehearsal space since it has a jazz drum kit, a keyboard and three amps. And importantly, it is completely sound proofed! This year it has already been used to record three albums featuring 11th and 12th grade students. 

On June 30th 2018, Free Basement, a band formed by ICE 12G students Stella, Kenny and Marlon will release an album entirely recorded at the school and it will be available on Spotify and iTunes. In the meantime, you can listen to their single "Snow Day" here

And here is a brief primer to understand some recording studio lingo that you may now here being thrown around:

this won’t take long: gather food, blankets and toiletries 

what does this switch do?: cover your ears as quickly as possible

one more take and we’ll nail it!: start another fresh pot of coffee

i think the bass and drums should be louder: the vocalist is not attending the mix session





Summer Home for Pet Rats 

Our beloved female pet rats, Sensei Splinter and Coco Chanel, are seeking a summer sublet, beginning June 29th. 

Provided: metal cage, about 3'x2'x2', crate for playing, shredded paper for cage lining and food as needed. 

Personality: if you haven't met them yet, they have an incredible capacity for cuddling and licking their human visitors, who they just love hanging out with whenever the humans have time for them.

We need help finding a caring home for the summer (or a few summer sublets back to back), where food and fresh water can be made available consistently, and an overall rat-friendly environment (some anti-cat bias is natural).

Please contact Sammi at 646-221-8164 or in Room 521 if you or someone you know are able to help house these friendly faces for a couple of weeks or a whole summer! 

Thank you,
Sammi Weissman
8th & 10th Grade Science Teacher