Announcing...The ICE Recording Studio is Amazing!
/Announcing...The ICE Recording Studio is Amazing!
After a year and a half under construction, the ICE music department is thrilled to announce that thanks to funding from the PTA, our brand new recording studio is finished. It is fully equipped with all the necessary microphones, software, mixers, and other music geek essentials. The studio is also being used as a rehearsal space since it has a jazz drum kit, a keyboard and three amps. And importantly, it is completely sound proofed! This year it has already been used to record three albums featuring 11th and 12th grade students.
On June 30th 2018, Free Basement, a band formed by ICE 12G students Stella, Kenny and Marlon will release an album entirely recorded at the school and it will be available on Spotify and iTunes. In the meantime, you can listen to their single "Snow Day" here:
And here is a brief primer to understand some recording studio lingo that you may now here being thrown around:
this won’t take long: gather food, blankets and toiletries
what does this switch do?: cover your ears as quickly as possible
one more take and we’ll nail it!: start another fresh pot of coffee
i think the bass and drums should be louder: the vocalist is not attending the mix session