Volunteering at ICE 

Learn all there is to know about our unique school. See the vision as it unfolds. Be amazed at the care that goes into each and every student....

Treasurers-in-Training (1 volunteer) – 2hrs/wk @school, rest online 

We are thrilled to have an awesome 6th Grade Dad join the 9-month training program for Treasurer. We do however need one more parent on the team. Let us know ASAP if you are interested.

I.C.E. PAC (Parent Action Committee)

Join I.C.E. PAC to help inform our fellow parents about progressive education policies and practices and to advocate for local, state, and federal education policies that center children's needs and the public sphere over corporate interests. Interested? Email I.C.E. PAC parent Kemala Karmen (children in 9th and 12th grades).

PTA Spanish Language Translator  (2 volunteers) online only, several parents take turn translating the weekly newsletter & special announcements for the online Spanish page

Town Meeting Scribe  (2-4 volunteers)

  1. Attend weekly Town Meeting (Wednesdays at 10:50am - 11:39am) to take minutes  

  2. Prepare the minutes for distribution to parents via MailChimp (tutorial available). 

  3. Several parents take turns attending Town Meeting. The number of times you are attending meetings depends on the amount of volunteers and their availability

For a full list with detailed descriptions of opportunities visit our website to view the "Parent Life" tab or click Volunteer Opportunities now.