ICE After School

Thank you to all who joined us at the New Families meeting Wednesday held by the PTA!  Attached is the updated after school schedule thus far.  When I have more confirmation about the "Coming soon" activities, I will send out a new schedule.

Please remind your students to look at the white board that is outside of Pete's office to see the daily activities and room numbers!

If you have any questions, shoot me an email/text/call to or at (929) 246-0498

Results are In

The results are in!  Last Saturday found more than 80 runners/walkers from our ICE community enjoying a beautiful fall morning on Randall’s Island in the first (of hopefully many) 5k Run/Walks.  It was great to see parents and their children running together, and the whole event was full of healthy good humor.

5K Winner’s Circle 

Fastest Female Junior: Paulina Lichtman
Fastest Male Junior: Philip Chirigos
Fastest Female Adult: Penny Jansens
Fastest Male Adult: Mark Williams
Fastest Junior Adult Combo: Rossiya Fajardo & Ella Fajardo

Click HERE to view the complete list of runners/walkers.

Organizer:  John Breen; Consultants: Imebet Blair-Carter, Nancy Lasher; Registration: John Breen, Sarah Aucoin; Set-up/Distribute Goody Bags: Elaine Pommells, Saschael Carter, Mia Delpriora, Amy Binin; Marshalls: Elaine Pommells, Dawne Marx, Katie Green, Kemala Karmen, Elizabeth Rexrode, Suzanne Ventura; Timekeepers: Oscar Breen, Lelia Buswinka, Onsite Sales: Andrea Santamaria, Cari Fershing; Post Signs: John Breen, Imebet Blair-Carter and Aideen Kane; Provided Prizes for winners: Aideen Kane; Supply Donations: Dianne Darbouze, Andrea Santamaria, Imebet Blair-Carter, Lisa Burdige

A VERY Special Thank You to Katie Hunter: Grade 10 Teacher & Track Coach; Jennifer Dalhstrom (JD): – Science Teacher & Girls Soccer Coach; Members of the Girls Soccer Team: Abel Roussel, Njeri Campbell, Elona Hoffeld, Mia Delpriora, Saschael Carter, Orla Keeting-Beer, Helen Chirigos, Jolene Lower and the Track Team’s representative Paulina Lichtman

We are pretty much guaranteed that we will be able to run the race at the same venue next year and I assure you all that the lessons we learned on this first one will be invaluable in seeing it run even more smoothly next year!
Thank you to the huge numbers who volunteered their time and treasure, to all who donated water, fruit, and other items for the goody bags, to all those with advice and insight into pulling an event like this off, to the members of the Executive Board, and to The Randall's Island Alliance for helping us out – and especially to the participants for making the event so fun!

Shout Out to ICE Art Students

Students have been seeing the amazing work of Paul Nowell’s students, Carlos Suazo, Adrianna Keller-Wyman, Bella Santiso-Murray, Che Puntes, Thien An Pham, Eleanor Crawford, Mia Delpriora and Ashai Gonzalez every day as they enter and exit ICE, but for those who haven’t seen the murals on the 16th St. doors, have a look below.

Even better, come see them in person – they are awesome live!!


Congratulations to I.C.E. Grads

Congratulations to the Class of 2016 for being such remarkable human beings and accomplishing remarkable things!  Thank you to the 11th grade volunteers who gave their precious time so that graduating seniors and their families could relax and enjoy the ceremony.
Class of 2016, you’re a pretty amazing group of young adults!  Keep in touch as alumni and come visit whenever you get the chance.  Best wishes to you all!

Happy Summer Save The Date

We are excited about the beginning of vacation and a break from homework, but we are also really looking forward to the Fifth Annual Girls Read for Girls read-a-thon!!
Please save NOVEMBER 13, 2016 and note our new location - THE BROOKLYN MUSEUM! 
Share this message with your friends and ask them to join our mailing list so we can keep you all in the loop as the event gets closer.
If you are interested in volunteering to help spread the word at your school, please e-mail us at  We are hoping to get parent/student school reps from lots of different schools in Brooklyn!!

First Annual I.C.E. Athletics Banquet

First Annual I.C.E. Athletics Banquet


Join I.C.E. athletes and their families, coaches and staff as we celebrate our growing I.C.E. athletics program, honor all our ICE athletes on stage, and hear from coaches and players as they recap their accomplishments on and off the field!

Dinner begins at 6 pm on June 13th in the ICE 2nd floor cafeteria.  

The Awards ceremony follows at 6:45 in the auditorium.

.Please come show support for your kids and our athletes.

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11th Grade History Panels Need Volunteers

Wednesday, June 15th and Thursday, June 16th, the humanities department will be holding the 11th Grade History panel presentations. Our students have worked extremely hard to get to this point, and we are in need of external evaluators to sit in on panel presentations.  Volunteers can come from parent volunteers or from within parents’ networks.

 We are running on a short time frame, so if prospective external evaluators are able to participate, please let us know by Monday, June 13th.
The panels will run from 3:15pm to approximately 5:30pm on both days.  If you are able to help, please email Justin at 

10th Graders Have Art Accepted

By Maiya Patti

By Maiya Patti

Two 10th grade students, Mihane Sihara and Maiya Patti, have had their artwork accepted into the Manhattan Borough Arts Festival.  Mihane's drawing of Ai Wei Wei and Maiya's drawing of Frida Kahlo will be on display at the L.E.S. Girls Club.

By Mihane Sihara

By Mihane Sihara

Students and their families have been invited to a reception on June 6th, but the rest of the I.C.E. community is invited on the following dates:

  • June 7-11 from 11 am to 3 pm
  • June 7-10 from 5pm – 7pm

The ICE website has Maiya and Mihane's artwork posted so you can see what fine work these students have done.  Even better – visit the L.E.S Girls’ Club and see their work up close!

I.C.E. PAC Action of the Week

The election of Betty Rosa as Chancellor of the Board of Regents was a great step forward for NY State public schools, but there's only so much the Regents can do given current New York State laws. Fortunately, there are bills being introduced in the New York State Assembly and Senate, which, among other things, de-couple test scores from teacher evaluations and repeal the inequitable and unjust receivership law. (The receivership law, promoted by Gov. Cuomo, turns schools judged to be failing--based on students' state test scores--over to charters or other non-public management. Schools on the receivership list typically have large numbers of students living in poverty and/or with disabilities, so the pressure to boost test scores to stave off receivership disproportionately affects the poor.)
Please contact your state legislators to urge them to support these bills--and then pass this info on to fellow New Yorkers! It's quick & easy. Just do it soon!

8th Grade Stepping Up Seeks 7th Grade Parent Volunteers

The I.C.E. Community "Stepping Up" Ceremony for the 8th Graders is Monday, June 27, from 9 - 12 at Judson Church on Washington Square Park South. 
As is the ICE tradition, 7th grade families play a big role coordinating and executing this event. We are in need of ten 7th grade parents to set up and clean up on the 27th from 8 am until 1 pm. Additionally, we need volunteers to purchase beverages and paper goods to be used during the ceremony.

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Hydroponic Garden

Come see for yourselves!!
While at I.C.E. this month participating in the many activities…. Visit the Hydroponic Garden. All the equipment is here and mostly set up. We are in the training phase but we have arugula and several other sprouts. It won't be turned on fully until we have the more grown up sprouts but stop by the 5th floor (next door to Rm 518).

8th Grade Stepping Up Seeks 7th Grade Parent Volunteers

The I.C.E. Community "Stepping Up" Ceremony for the 8th Graders is Monday, June 27, from 9 - 12 at Judson Church on Washington Square Park South. 
As is the ICE tradition, 7th grade families play a big role coordinating and executing this event. We are in need of ten 7th grade parents to set up and clean up on the 27th from 8 am until 1 pm. Additionally, we need volunteers to purchase beverages and paper goods to be used during the ceremony.
7th grade students are also encouraged to help with this special event.  It is a really nice opportunity to see the festivities and help out our 8th grade families.  Next year will be 7th grade families’ turn to watch their kids graduate without having to worry about the organization … so please volunteer, we need you!
Please contact Becky Burrows at if you have a 7th grader and would like to volunteer for this.

I.C.E. Now Community Partner with Fairway

I.C.E. is now a Community Partner with Fairway.  If you shop at Fairway, pick up your key ring cards and regular card and swipe it every time you check out at Fairway who will make a donation to I.C.E.  Give the card to anybody you know who shops at Fairway – grandparents, sitters, friends, etc.

The family cards will be available at the 6th Grade Orientation and the Exec Board meeting on June 1st, and at the PTA meeting on June 8th - and then again next fall at all PTA/school-wide events.  But pick yours up now and start earning I.C.E. donations!

12th Grade Graduation Seeks 11th Grade Parent Volunteers

In ICE tradition, 11th-grade parents help as volunteers for the 12th-grade graduation to free the 12th-grade parents to watch the proceedings.  Next year it will be our turn to sit back and enjoy (or cry!). 
Here is what we need in terms of volunteers on Friday, June 24:
1. DELIVERY:  2 parents with cars for transport of materials from ICE to Cooper Union at 7am (!)
2. BREAKFAST TABLE SET-UP: 2-3 parents 7:15 - 8am
3. STAGE SET-UP: 2 parents from 7:15 - 8am
4. CAP & GOWN: maybe 1 parent as back-up for teachers, 8am - 8:45
5. AFTER-EVENT SNACKS: 2 or 3 parents 11:45am - 12:45pm
6. CLEAN-UP: 3-4 parents 12:30 - 1pm
7. DELIVERY: 1-2 parents to take remaining materials back to ICE (for next year!)
If you can help out with any of the above tasks, please email Julia Parker (class 1101), Margaret Chabowski (class 1102) or  Irene Scarsella at (class 1103) to let them know which job you can do.    
Thanks so much for any help you can provide!