I.C.E. PAC Action of the Week
/The election of Betty Rosa as Chancellor of the Board of Regents was a great step forward for NY State public schools, but there's only so much the Regents can do given current New York State laws. Fortunately, there are bills being introduced in the New York State Assembly and Senate, which, among other things, de-couple test scores from teacher evaluations and repeal the inequitable and unjust receivership law. (The receivership law, promoted by Gov. Cuomo, turns schools judged to be failing--based on students' state test scores--over to charters or other non-public management. Schools on the receivership list typically have large numbers of students living in poverty and/or with disabilities, so the pressure to boost test scores to stave off receivership disproportionately affects the poor.)
Please contact your state legislators to urge them to support these bills--and then pass this info on to fellow New Yorkers! It's quick & easy. Just do it soon!