10th Graders Have Art Accepted

By Maiya Patti

By Maiya Patti

Two 10th grade students, Mihane Sihara and Maiya Patti, have had their artwork accepted into the Manhattan Borough Arts Festival.  Mihane's drawing of Ai Wei Wei and Maiya's drawing of Frida Kahlo will be on display at the L.E.S. Girls Club.

By Mihane Sihara

By Mihane Sihara

Students and their families have been invited to a reception on June 6th, but the rest of the I.C.E. community is invited on the following dates:

  • June 7-11 from 11 am to 3 pm
  • June 7-10 from 5pm – 7pm

The ICE website has Maiya and Mihane's artwork posted so you can see what fine work these students have done.  Even better – visit the L.E.S Girls’ Club and see their work up close!