High School Information Night for 8th grade students and families
/Join us Tuesday January 19th at 6pm, to hear about the high school program at NY.ICE. Students, teachers, Pete and Kristen will be available to answer your questions. This event is for current NY.ICE students and families only.
Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 891 4822 8118
Passcode: 089154
Here are some RESOURCES provided by the NYC DOE:
To set up your account on myschools, go to myschools.nyc with 1. Student’s OSIS number and 2. your unique creation code provided in the welcome letter sent to you in the mail by the DOE. If you do not have this information, please reach out to Kristen or Lisa.
Deadline to register to audition for LaGuardia is February 23. schools.nyc.gov/HSAuditions Deadline to submit audition files is March 1.