There is as yet no word as to whether New York State will cancel upcoming math and ELA tests, scheduled to begin March 25. As one NYC teacher tweeted, "Anything that puts pressure on staff and students to show up when they don’t feel 100% is a no go." If the state won't take responsibility, you can; boycott the tests! Last year, 90% of ICE families refused (aka "opted out" of)  the tests for their children. If you would like to refuse for your 6th, 7th, or 8th grader, please fill out this form (or send your own note or email to Pete or Kristen indicating you want to opt your child out). For those of you who are used to signing opt out letters at parent-teacher conferences, please don't wait for that opportunity this time because who knows if they will even happen. 

Need to know more? Be on the lookout for additional info coming in your email from ICE PAC parents from your grade (this opt out campaign is a parent-to-parent initiative, not an official school one) by this weekend. In the meantime, if you are curious about the opt out movement, check out or NYC Opt Out on Facebook