If you’ve ever had a child take the PSAT or or ACT or SAT, you’ll know how many trees were sacrificed to market to your child. But even if you don’t mind having your mailbox flooded with glossy brochures, did you know that the testing industry giants could go on to sell your kid’s info to third parties (at .47 a head)? 
>From New York State Allies for Public Education:

The New York State legislature passed a strong privacy law in 2014 that banned the selling of student data and its use for commercial purposes. Now officials at the State Department of Education are proposing regulations that would allow student data to be sold and used for marketing purposes under certain conditions. This will only encourage the further expansion of a marketplace for personal student information.

Please TAKE ACTION NOW & CLICK HERE to send this email to state officials, telling them to protect student data privacy.

Feel free to add any of your own views on this issue and why student privacy matters to you as a parent or teacher. The deadline for comment is Monday, September 16th. Please also share this link with other parents or educators who care about this issue.