Family Contribution 2018-2019
/Dear ICE Families,
ICE is a unique public school, that is likely why you chose to enroll your child.
The small classes, the individualized attention, the clubs and enrichment activities - these elements contribute to the package that educates your child, encourages him or her to be a life-long learner and lover of knowledge.
These elements come at a price, not covered by our allocation from the DOE, so we turn to families to pitch in, to help pay for a great education for all.
If you have not made your family contribution of $700 per child (give more or less, depending on your ability) we ask you make a one-time payment or enroll in the payment plans. Click 2018-2019 Family Contribution to make a payment or visit Giving to Our School on the ICE Website.
Your support is greatly appreciated,
Fundraising Committee