/The Dining Challenge continues!
The Spring Fling needs 2 restaurant donations per grade this week for a total of 14 gift certificates. This should be easy to achieve, just 2 per grade. Of course, we will be happy to get more.
The gift certificate can be:
dinner for two or four
a bottle of wine to accompany a dinner
complementary appetizers and/or dessert
Restaurants love impressing new diners and more likely than not, the place you approach will say "Yes!" Let's see every grade get 2 donations this week - the income to your child's school from those donations can easily mean another $1,000.
Please visit, email or call your favorite restaurant today and ask for a donation.
Use the Online Donation Form or the Printable Donation Form when asking for donations. Be sure to give your donors the Merchant Letter which includes our tax id number for those who are donating.