ICE Community Lunch 

The first Community Lunch was a wonderful success - teachers and students from all grades gathered together to share food, laughter, and lunch tables! Beautiful dishes were prepared by staff members, a parent volunteer, and were set up & cleaned up by the Community Service Club.

We want to extend the invitation to contribute food to a Community Lunch to you all. If you'd like to participate, please fill out the form below and select a date that is convenient for you. You will receive a confirmation email that will include the reminders below. We will create a Community Lunch at least once a week, and your help is invaluable!

(Students are welcomed to join with their home lunch if they prefer to bring their own).

If you would like to help, please see the information below:

1. Here is the google form, please fill it out (** takes 1 minute)!

2. Please drop off donations at one of two times on the day of the community lunch:
(1) morning advisory: 8:00-8:20
(2) 10:30am-10:45am
During either of these times, someone will be waiting at the 16th St. ICE entrance, with a cart, ready to bring your food upstairs.

3. For ease of serving, we ask that you please send your donation in a full or half size aluminum sheet pan (like this).

4. Please label your dish (this is especially helpful for students with food allergies).

Thank you in advance!