Panelist Sign-Up for I.C.E. PBATs & Presentations
/At I.C.E, we believe that Performance Based Assessment Tasks (PBATs) and project-based Interim Assessments (IAs) are authentic and meaningful ways for students to demonstrate their mastery of content, skills, and metacognitive thinking. The PBATs and IA presentations showcase student learning at many points along an ICE student's education, occurring throughout the 6-12th grades. For these assessments, we value the role of external evaluators (YOU!) to help create an authentic environment for assessment of our students’ understanding and invite you to join our faculty and student peers in assessing students’ abilities to present, explain and defend their academic work.
Participation does not require prior content knowledge on your part (with the exception of the 10th grade Spanish Graduation Requirement), and clear directions will be provided to all evaluators. An ICE teacher will also be with you to help guide the process. Please click on the link below, browse the presentation events listed, and sign up based upon your interest and availability.
There are NO limits to the number of PBATs or presentations that a parent may sit on!