Auction Donation Inspiration  

Want to donate an item to the Spring Fling auction but think you have nothing to give? Think again!
Share Your Talent
We all know that ICE parents are a talented crew. Auction off that talent at the Spring Fling!
Are you an excellent cook or baker? Offer up a cooking lesson, a homemade birthday cake, or a gourmet dinner party.
Can you knit or sew? Offer up some handcrafted goods, or lessons.
Whatever your hidden (or not so hidden) talent may be, it could make an excellent auction item.
Call Your Old College Roommate
Flip through your mental Rolodex for anyone who you might be able to ask for a donation.
Don't be shy! We're sure your friends and far-flung family are all lovely, generous people
who would leap at the chance to support an amazing school like ICE.
Think hard. Dig deep. Like third-cousin-twice-removed deep....
When you find some thing to give, you can fill out our Online Donation Form

Questions? Email us at
Thank you! We can't wait to see what you come up with.

This year's Spring Fling will be held on Friday June 1st at the Dumbo Loft, 155 Water Street in Brooklyn