Needed: VR Gaming System
/Are you a gamer? Have someone in your family or know a neighbor who is? Work for a design company with a powerful computer that is becoming outdated? The ICE Science Department is seeking use of a VR (virtual reality) compatible Windows based gaming system! An 11th grade ICE student, in collaboration with the Brownsville Community Center, has designed a neuroscience experiment that utilizes VR based interventions (Wow, right?!). We purchased a VR unit for her but the available computers are unfortunately not powerful enough for it to run smoothly.
Need a forced break from gaming? Loan us your system for a month! The student is exceptionally responsible and will be under the supervision of JD. Have an old system you rarely use anymore? Donate it! We'll give it a happy new life in the science department. Work for Best Buy and can get us a wicked discount? That could work too! Email or contact JD in the ICE Science Department at 212-475-7972.