ICE Drama Club's Dramapalooza: 3 songs, 2 scenes, 1 show!

Come out and support ICE Drama Club as they perform a workshop performance of musical numbers from Shrek the Musical, Fun Home, and Finding Neverland and scenes from Eye of The Stormand The Search for Odysseus. Featuring the work of 11th grade directors: Amina Morgan, Julia Majesky, and Siena Froment. 

DRAMAPALOOZA will take place on Monday, March 26th from 4:30 - 5:30pm in the Auditorium where we have  Town Meeting (1st floor)

Cost: FREE for ICE students & $5 suggested donation for family and friends

We promise you music, singing, dancing, drama.. umbrellas! tempests! goddesses! office supplies! banjos! overalls! Show your support for ICE Drama and come to the AUD Monday after-school. Tell your friends, your family, your cycle project group - all are welcome.