Family Program in St. Croix Over Winter Break
/Wouldn't you like to relax on tropical sandy beaches and learn about ancestral skills and get to know like minded people?
Learn about friction fire, making natural fiber, basket making, shelter building, gourd containers, primitive pottery, spear fishing, medicinal and edible plants, water purification, archery and much more!
Earth Living Skills is collaborating with Caribbean Earth Skills to run a family program in St. Croix over winter break 2019, February 17~22.
We will all stay at Mt. Victory Eco-Lodge, in a lush forested farm valley.
$775.00 or $1,375.00 for first family member, $275.00 or $375.00 for each additional family member (depending on if you choose to stay in a tent of bungalow)
Meals are included, air fare is not. Flights to STX range from $300 to $700 round trip depending on the date of travel.
Suitable for ages 7 and up, younger children are welcome.
Space is limited so please register as soon as possible.
Please find more details and register here
Thank you, Natalie Vantuyn, ICE Teacher