ICE Skating Trip
/We are continuing the long tradition of taking our entire school ice skating this holiday season. On Thursday, December 20th, 2018, advisors will take their advisory on the Q train to LeFrak Lakeside Ice Rink in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Here is some info:
Students meet in advisory room at 8:15 am until their departure time. All students will depart with their grade between 9:00 and 10:00 am.
Students can bring lunch or buy it at the rink
Admission is $12 for all students attending the trip (no matter if skating or not). This includes admission and skate-rental
Middle School students will be escorted back to ICE by their advisor at 2:00 pm and dismissed from ICE at the end of our school day (2:59 pm).
High School students can be dismissed from the rink directly at the end of our school day (2:59 pm)
Please fill out the information and sign on BOTH permission slips if you give permission for your child to attend this trip. Have your child hand in the permission slip and money to his/her advisor by Friday, December 14th…. But sooner the better!
**If your family cannot pay, ICE will cover the cost for you. Also, if you have the means to, we ask that you bring in $20 to help offset the cost of those who cannot pay.
As always this will be a great way to enjoy the holidays in our community. Happy holidays!