Mexico Trip 2017 - GoFundMe

Hello ICE parents and friends!

We are thrilled to announce that a group of 11th and 12th graders from our school are taking a community service trip to Mexico.  It’s a really exciting way to give back to the community and environment, as well as give our students an incredible cultural experience.

The group will be doing environmental and community based work in Puerto Morelos and Nuevo Durango.  They will also have many opportunities to interact with the culture and setting of Mexico.

We want to make sure that every student, regardless of financial need or socioeconomic class, is able to take advantage of this opportunity.  That’s why we’re asking you to consider donating to our Go Fund Me  Even if you can only spare a dollar, it really does all add up.

Please feel free to share the link with your family and friends.

Thank you so much!

~ICE Mexico Trip 2017