Financial aid and other college funding options
Join us on
Wednesday April 13th at 6:00 pm in Rm 518
for the
PTA Meeting/Parent Workshop
The PTA is delighted to have Kalman A. Chany, nationally recognized college financing expert and author, who will present an overview of financial aid and other college funding options. Because early planning is often the key to reducing college costs and maximizing aid opportunities, this workshop is suited for parents of all grades.
This is an extremely informative presentation that you won't want to miss! There is a lot of material to cover and we know you have questions!!!
To allow Kal adequate time for his presentation, there will not be time for a full Q&A. So if you have a question that you would like him to address in his presentation, please submit your questions in advance to
Kal is the founder and president of Campus Consultants Inc., a Manhattan-based financial aid advisory firm. He is also the author of the annually-updated Princeton Review guidebook, "Paying for College Without Going Broke." View Kal's bio HERE