Spring Fling Auction is Approaching

21 days till our online Auction will open on April 25th
Live event Friday, May 13th 2016 -- SAVE THE DATE!
We are still looking for donations!
Have a vacation house you don't use 24/7?  Donate a week to the Spring Fling!
Have season seats at Yankee Stadium? Donate a pair to the Spring Fling!
Have a nice bottle of wine you've been saving just for us? Donate it to the Spring Fling!
Have a mother, brother, sister, father who's an artist?  Donate a piece to the Spring Fling!
Have an art deco vase laying around that you no longer want? Donate it to the Spring fling!
Have 4 tickets to a local movie theater?  Donate them to the Spring fling!
Nothing is too big or too small!  PLEASE DONATE TODAY!
Contact: icespringfling@gmail.com
All proceeds go to our kids and ICE!

Purchase tickets for Spring Fling Auction HERE

Friday May 13th, 2016

Ticket cost:
$45 before the date
$60 at the door
Buy 4 tickets get the 5th FREE!