DOE Learning Preferences Survey

The NYC DOE has announced that the window for changing your child’s learning choice will close on November 15. At this time we ask that all families please complete the learning preference survey to indicate how your child is currently learning. If you wish to change your mind after 11/15, simply contact Pete and request a change.

7th Grade Parent and Guardian Workshop led by Day One - Thursday October 29th @ 6:30pm

Day One is excited to begin our third year of providing the Early Relationship Abuse Prevention Program (ERAPP) to the ICE community. ERAPP is a workshop series for students in DOE middle schools about healthy dating relationships (and, in the case of younger students, friendships as well). All of our workshops are facilitated online, via Zoom, and use age appropriate, activity based methods meant to foster an active discussion among participants. ERAPP is an initiative of the Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender Based Violence.

We invite you to learn more about ERAPP by joining a workshop for parents and guardians on Thursday, October 29th at 6:30pm.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 2038 7273

One tap mobile +19292056099,,86120387273# US (New York)

Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 861 2038 7273

Find your local number:

11th Grade Town Hall - Wednesday October 28 @ 7:00PM

If you would like to submit a question in advance, please do so HERE

Topic: 11th Grade Informational Meeting
Time: Oct 28, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 894 5665 1253
Passcode: 152709
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,89456651253#,,,,,,0#,,152709# US (New York)
+13126266799,,89456651253#,,,,,,0#,,152709# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 894 5665 1253
Passcode: 152709
Find your local number:

NYC DOE Health Screening to Enter School

All DOE employees, students, families, and visitors seeking to enter DOE buildings must complete a health screening before entering DOE facilities. This health screening must be completed on each day of arrival and results will reset at midnight of each day. Upon entering the facility you will be asked to provide the results of your screening either by showing your phone or a printout of the results.

There will also be the option of completing this form upon arrival at school.

On this same page there is also the option of adding this tool to your phone.

Todos los empleados, estudiantes, familias y visitantes del DOE que quieran entrar a los edificios del DOE deben hacerse un examen médico antes de entrar a las instalaciones del DOE. Este examen de salud debe completarse cada día de llegada y los resultados se reajustarán a la medianoche de cada día. Al entrar a las instalaciones se le pedirá que proporcione los resultados de su examen ya sea mostrando su teléfono o una copia impresa de los resultados.

También habrá la opción de completar este formulario al llegar a la escuela.

En esta misma página también hay la opción de añadir esta herramienta a su teléfono.

College Financial Aid Info Night - Wednesday September 30th

All families of high school students are welcome to attend.

PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this event in advance.

Everything You Need to Know About College Financial Aid
Wednesday, September 30th @7pm.

Here is the link to register.
Even if you cannot attend live, you will receive the recording along with slides from the presentation (but you still need to register).

Among other things, financial aid expert Matt Mulhern will discuss:

(1) Current Update On Corona Virus’ Impact on College Landscape
(2) Will you qualify for financial aid
(3)How to maximize aid eligibility
(4) What to do if you don't qualify for financial aid?
(5) How to present assets on financial aid applications – Home, 529’s, retirement, etc.
(6) Which colleges are the most generous
(7) How to leverage colleges against one another
(8) Overview and timeline of the financial aid process
(9) FAFSA & CSS/PROFILE tips and timelines
(10) Live Q & A


We are so excited to welcome everyone back to school on Wednesday September 16th! You will receive all the information you need to log on for the first day.

  • Wednesday September 16 - Friday September 18: 10am to 12pm ALL REMOTE

  • Monday September 21 - Friday September 25: 9:45am to 2pm ALL REMOTE

  • Monday September 28: NO SCHOOL - YOM KIPPUR

  • Tuesday September 29: First day of In-Person Learning

Check out our new FAQ page for School Re-Opening Questions


Two more Town Hall meetings THIS WEEK:

Wednesday September 16 at 6PM and Thursday September 17 at 7PM

Links will be sent by email. Please choose to attend just one of the meetings to leave room for everyone.

Town Hall Meetings September 9 and 10

We are holding two Town Hall meetings this week, to continue to discuss our school re-opening plans.

Wednesday September 9 at 6PM

Thursday September 10 at 7PM

Please choose only ONE meeting to attend. Both meetings will cover the same material and we will also record them. In addition, we will be creating an FAQ sheet to send out.

You should have received the links to these zoom meetings in your email. Please write to Lisa if you do not have the links.