ICE Thrift Shop

Save the Date

Thrift Shop January 29th - 2-5pm
Small Gym

Getting ready to clean up in time for the holidays? Have clothing that you're not excited about anymore, but someone else might be? Save it for the ICE Thrift Shop! 

We will be collecting clothing in good condition starting on Monday January 27th and throughout the week. Please wash and heat dry all clothing, and drop off bundles firmly plastic wrapped together. 

ICE students and families are welcome to come shop on Friday afternoon 1/29, each item will be $1! 

Questions: Please email Danya

Have extra hangers to donate? We'll take them! Have a portable coat rack you'd like to lend us for the day? We'll take that too! 

ICE Senior Internships

As the culmination of their ICE experience, all seniors will be interning for four or five days a week, starting January 28 until the middle of June. Every year, we rely on the ICE community to help find as many exciting opportunities as possible for our seniors, whose interests vary widely. This year, many seniors are still looking for internship sites in the industries they are most interested in, including:

sports management
auto repair shop
women's rights org
visual artist
recording studio (with the possibility of learning how to use recording equipment)
physical therapy, especially for athletes / sports medicine
fashion business
animation studio
theater / acting
writing with focus on gender /LGBTQ issues
rooftop / urban farming
veterinarian office
criminal justice / law enforcement
LGBTQ rights / advocacy orgs
art / photography gallery
real estate
city planning
finance / investment house / banking
performing arts organization

If you or someone you know works in one of these or another field and might be interested in finding out more about the possibility of mentoring an exceptionally hard-working, mature, capable senior, please check out this informational sheet for more details about our program, and then contact ICE teacher and Internship Coordinator Josh Torpey. If you would like to submit your contact information via google form, please click here.

Thank you!  

Looking for Parent Volunteers

To volunteer visit the ICE Community Volunteers page on the school website located under the Parent Life tab then sign-up using the ICE Community Volunteers Form.

Here are a few projects/events for you to consider:

Help before or after your appointment.
Wednesday, November 20

  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm shift

Friday, November 22

  • 2:30pm - 4:00pm shift

Volunteers are needed to sell raffle tickets at PT Conferences. Help before or after your appointment.

Wednesday, November 20

  • 5:00pm - 8:00pm

Friday, November 22

  • 1:30pm - 4:30pm

PICTURE DAY FUNDRAISER (Grade 12 & Retakes for Grades 6-11) – Friday, November 22nd, 2019, 8:00am - 12:00pm

  • All Day (8:00am - 12:00pm) shift

WINE TASTING GALA – Friday, December 6, 2019 at 6:00pm

  • 4 Volunteers to Clean-Up

  • Food donations (cheese, crackers, bread, hummus, and veggie platters, chartreuse board).

SPRING FLING AUCTION – Friday, May 8th, 2020

  • Planning Committee

  • Solicit Donation Team

  • 50/50 Raffle Salespeople at PTA Meetings & PT Conferences

  • Balloon Pop Organizer

  • Wine Pull Organizer


Compost Fair - 8G Science

The 8th grade Living Environment classes would love to invite you to our Compost Fair, on November 14, during advisory (11 AM-11:30 AM). The fair will take place in room 506 and 508.

Our 18 "Compost Clients" will have the opportunity to pick up their bins at 11:30, and everyone else is invited to come learn about how to make composting work for you in your NYC workplace or home! The students will have a wealth of information for you :)

For details or to schedule an alternate pickup time contact Chelsea at

1st Community Lunch of 2019-2000

Tues. 11/12 - Room 518

All are welcome - FREE 

For anyone new to ICE, the community service club helps to plan and serve a meal about once a month - free for all students. In the past, parents and staff have contributed cooked food, and many kids have spent the period together in 518 - music, food, laughter, full-bellies, etc. 

Students are also welcome to bring their own lunch and eat together in community on 11/12. 

Looking for Parent Volunteers

To volunteer visit the ICE Community Volunteers page on the school website located under the Parent Life tab then sign-up using the ICE Community Volunteers Form.

Here are a few projects/events for you to consider:
PICTURE DAY FUNDRAISER (Grade 12 & Retakes for Grades 6-11) – Friday, November 22nd, 2019, 8:00am - 12:00pm
We will need approximately 10 volunteers on the day of the event.

  • All Day (8:00am - 12:00pm) shift


Help before or after your appointment.

  • Wednesday, November 20

    • 4:30pm - 6:00pm shift

    • 6:00pm - 7:30pm shift

  • Friday, November 22

    • 1:00pm - 2:30pm shift

    • 2:30pm - 4:00pm shift

WINE TASTING GALA – Friday, December 6, 2019 at 6:00pm

  • 4 Volunteers to Set-Up

  • 4 Volunteers to Clean-Up

  • Food donations (cheese, crackers, bread, hummus, and veggie platters, chartreuse board).

Organize December’s holiday celebration for the ICE Community. Date TBD

TOWN MEETING SCRIBE — Wednesdays at 10:05am - 11:39am

Attend Town Meeting, take notes, then input the notes into a MailChimp template — not hard, I’ll show them how.

SPRING FLING AUCTION – Friday, May 8th, 2020

  • Planning Committee

    • Donation Team

    • 50/50 Raffle Salespeople

    • Balloon Pop Organizer

    • Wine Pull Organizer

Request from ICE Senior Lisle Jamieson

Dear ICE family,

ICE senior Lisle Jamieson has a survey--An Investigation of Partisan Activity-- that he needs to be completed by as many adults residing in the United States as possible. He asks that you please complete his survey, but more importantly, please spread this to friends and family and your social media network (and encourage them to do the same). Let's make this thing viral!

You can find the survey here.

Lisle and I thank you!


Wellness Corner from the Counseling Department

There are so many events, resources, and institutions offering thoughts and support to young people--and to their families. We will begin sharing a few in our weekly newsletter that may be of interest to you.

The Child Study Center is offering a free workshop called "The Struggling Learner: Understanding the Signs and How to Help" from 6:30-7:30p next Thursday November 7th:
Educational Workshop at The Child Study Center

The Child Mind Institute recently shared this piece on how families can help young people build self-regulation skills:
The Child Mind Institute's piece on helping kids with self-regulation

NYU Langone is offering a group:
For shy and socially anxious teens
(Feel free to inquire about sliding scale fees and upcoming start dates)

Looking for Parent Volunteers

Here are a couple of projects/events for you to consider:

TOWN MEETING SCRIBE — Wednesdays at 10:05am - 11:39am (4 volunteers)

  • Several parents take turn attending Town Meeting.

It’s fun and gives you insight into the life of the school, not just your own kid’s class, which means it’s particularly nice if you have an uncommunicative kid. (Which is, y’know, MOST kids.) You can see musical performance, acting, guest speakers. The job involves attending Town Meeting and taking notes, then inputting them into a MailChimp template — not hard, I’ll show them how.  
PICTURE DAY FUNDRAISER (Grades 6-11) – Friday, October 25th, 2019 8:00am - 3:00pm

Choose the shift that best fits your schedule:

  • Afternoon Shift (3 volunteers) - 12:30pm - 3:00pm

  • All Day Shift — 8:00am - 3:00pm

To volunteer visit the ICE Community Volunteers page on the school website located under the Parent Life tab then sign-up using the ICE Community Volunteers Form.