ICE College Night
/11th Grade Parents & Guardians learn about the I.C.E. College Process!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 6:00 pm in room 518
11th Grade Parents & Guardians learn about the I.C.E. College Process!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 6:00 pm in room 518
Students will be dismissed after 6th period (1:20 pm) on Friday, April 1 and Wednesday, April 20 so staff can have extended professional development meetings. If you need your child to remain at ICE until 3:00 pm, contact Mark Mazzone at Room 509 will be staffed and supervised until 3:00 pm on both days.
Thank you for supporting our staff.
Pete and Mark
What's almost as good as hearing how great your kid is doing in school? Winning cool stuff!
And the winners are:
We hope you saved your tickets, email us at to collect your prize.
At ICE, we strongly believe that immersion in other cultures through international travel can have life-changing effects upon our students. We also believe that all of our students are entitled to this opportunity.
Read MoreThe concert to support ICE student's fundraising efforts is on Sunday, April 10th from 12 - 3 pm at the Sidewalk Café on 94 Avenue A in Manhattan. Visit the ICE Website to purchase tickets or click here. Featuring ICE HS Band, Max Balton's Band, Roy Nathanson, Peter Karp and Violizzy & Friends.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to complete the survey either in hard copy (sent home with child) or online at by April 1, 2016. ICE would like to achieve a goal of 100% completion of Parent Surveys.
Read MoreMIDDLE SCHOOL PARENTS: The state tests are just a few weeks away, which means it's time to decide whether you will have your child take them or refuse. Like all schools in New York State, ICE is required to administer the tests. However, unlike most other schools, our school does not include any test prep in the curriculum and encourages parents to be informed about testing issues. (Here's what families can face elsewhere.) We will not tell you "the tests are shorter" (something you may have heard if you have children at other elementary or middle schools) without also saying, "but still, on average, 45 questions longer than they were just a few years ago." We will not say the tests "inform instruction" because teachers here do not use the results. At all.
On Wednesday, parents filled room 518, which had been fortified for the occasion with extra tables and chairs. Principal Pete Karp and science teacher Kristen Bonnici talked about the quantity and nature of student assignments, specified how the complexity of those assignments progressed as students got older, and pointed out how having teachers teach both middle school and high school grades helped them to tweak assignments and curriculum--because they have the benefit of being able to look both backwards and forwards.
Read MoreOur high school students don't take (most) Regents exams.
85% of last year's middle school students refused the NY State tests.
In the absence of these instruments,
How does ICE calculate evidence of student learning?
This will not be a lecture or a Powerpoint, but a hands-on interactive session and discussion where we parents and guardians will do some of the work ourselves, under the guidance of Pete and the teachers present. We will be looking at how this assessment evolves on the continuum between middle school and college.
Parents from all grades welcome.
New families are especially encouraged to attend.
At ICE, we strongly believe that immersion in other cultures through international travel can have life-changing effects upon our students. We also believe that all of our students, regardless of economic ability, should be entitled to this opportunity.
Read MoreInterested in hearing our wonderful HS Band playing in the city wide Essentially Ellington Competition tomorrow, Saturday, March 12th? We'll be performing around 2pm at
Fordham College at Lincoln Center
113 W 60th Street, New York, 10023
Main entrance is on the corner of 60th street & Columbus Avenue
The benefit concert to help send ICE students to Nepal has been rescheduled for Sunday, April 10th from 12 - 3 pm at the Sidewalk Café on 94 Avenue A in Manhattan. To purchase tickets click here. Featuring ICE HS Band, Max Balton's Band, Roy Nathanson, Peter Karp and Violizzy & Friends.
On Thursday, March 3rd, NYC School Survey for Parents were given out to students in advisory to bring home to their parents to fill out.
Parents from the ICE Parent Action Committee (ICE PAC) were in the cafeteria during parent teacher conferences with test refusal letters. If you took one, but didn't sign on the spot, please consider doing so now. Signed letters can be sent with your child to the advisory teacher, who will hand it on, or given directly to Pete or Mark. If you are a middle school parent who did not get a letter, ICE PAC will be sending them out via class lists in the near future.
Read MoreStudents will be dismissed after 6th period (1:20 pm) on Friday, April 1 and Wednesday, April 20 so staff can have extended professional development meetings. If you need your child to remain at ICE until 3:00 pm, contact Mark Mazzone at Room 509 will be staffed and supervised until 3:00 pm on both days.
Thank you for supporting our staff.
Pete and Mark
All juniors should register as soon a possible to take the SAT or ACT or both this spring. Students will register on the College Board or ACT websites.
Any sophomore or junior that is interested in taking a college course this summer at Baruch College, should see Jennifer in the College Office for an application.
ICE Spring Fling is the event page on Facebook for the Spring Fling; please spread the enthusiasm, fun and joy of our biggest fund raiser of the year by clicking that you’ll be going!
Please share and invite all your friends, family and people you barely know.
If you aren’t on the ICE Facebook page, click ICE Facebook so you don’t miss out on all the cool news!
Parent Teacher Conferences will be in the 2nd Floor Cafeterias on:
The Appointment Scheduler closes on Monday, March 7th at 8:00 pm.
Parents can be added to the Wait List by sending an email to with child’s, teacher’s name, conference day and time frame needed. Walk-in appointments are also available on conference days.
Friday, March 11th at 11:30 am for Parent Teacher Conferences
We need assistance during Parent Teacher Conferences to assist with walk-in appointments and to answer questions/provide guidance about PT Conference process.
If you are available before, in-between or after your conference, please send us an email at subject: Appointment Volunteer. Let us know your name, the day and time you can help.
Institute for Collaborative Education (02M407)
Family Contributions Support: Smaller Class Size
Inquiry Based Curriculum
Award Winning Bands & Debate
Model UN
and more
This document provides information on how to report harassment.
We are working to make this website easier to access for people with disabilities, and will follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. If you need assistance with a particular page or document on our current site, please contact Lisa Bleyer at 212-475-7972 to request assistance.
Institute for Collaborative Education (02M407), 345 East 15th Street 5th Floor, New York, NY 10003
Phone: 212-475-7972 | Fax: 212-475-0459