Dear ICE Families –
The new school year is upon us!! I am so excited to see everybody next week and get going on another great year at the Institute for Collaborative Education. I spent part of my summer recharging, and the other part working to expand our teaching staff and develop initiatives in our community that will deepen the degree to which learning experiences are equitable and engaging. With more teachers on staff we will be more equipped than ever to individualize and maximize your child’s learning experience.
Next Thursday is day 1 of school and we will begin the year with advisory meetings, a shortened class schedule and an activity fair to introduce what we have to offer outside of the classroom. We will open the doors at 8 a.m., no earlier and please make sure students arrive by 8:10 at the entrance on 16th street between 1st and 2nd ave. Students will go to the auditorium for introductions which will start at 8:20. On Thursday students should come to school prepared with their supplies including a lock in order to claim a locker for themselves. All students in grades 7-12 will be allowed to leave the building for lunch. School hours for ICE have stayed the same: 8:10 to 2:09 Monday and Friday, 8:10 to 3:00 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
For 6th Grade Families – your children will have a special program on day one in order to get to know each other, their new school building, and their teachers. It is a tradition that we know helps our newest students feel comfortable in this space. 6th grade students will not be allowed to leave for lunch, so please provide your kids with lunch from home or purchase any lunch from outside before school starts. We will escort students to the cafeteria to get hot or cold lunch as well.
Weather permitting we will have a Field Day on Friday September 6th. You will receive further information next week including times, location and so forth. If you have any availability to volunteer your time or can make a donation towards snacks and drinks for field day please communicate with Lisa Bleyer at
Over the coming weeks I plan to reach out and introduce our new staff members, and I will see any of you who can make it at upcoming PTA meetings. Stay tuned for more emails next week reviewing basic policies and sharing links to useful documents.
Take Care for now – I look forward to seeing you all very soon.