ICE PAC Updates

Middle school families: Opt out? Opt in?

ICE, like all public schools, is required to offer the state English Language Arts test (beginning April 11) and the math test (this year in May) to its 6th-8th graders. But students are not required to take them. In fact, for the last several years, well over 80% of students at our school have refused ("opted out" of) the exams. 

If you are wondering why so many ICE families have made the decision to refuse in the past, check out the informative email an ICE PAC parent in your grade sent recently. (You should have received this by the time you get this newsletter.) Already decided that you want your kid to refuse? We now have a super easy way for you to make that happen: a simple form on our website. (En Español) After you fill out the form and hit SUBMIT, you'll  see a screen confirming that your wish to opt out has been recorded and that notification of your refusal has been emailed to administration.

All families: Poor Substitute for Justice video clips now consolidated

In the last newsletter we shared some links to the video coverage of our Feb 7 event, A Standardized Test is a Poor Substitute for Justice. We've now got most of the links up together on one page of the ICE website, which should make viewing easier. Watch to get an idea of what lies behind test-focused education (hint: it's not good) and what harms it continues to inflict. Parts 4a and 4b feature an ICE teacher and student respectively and provide great insight into our school's educational philosophy. Here's some feedback from one parent who saw the video, "This is so great!!...I shared the link to my family and friends via snap chat  because it was really inspiring." 

Contact ICE PAC.

ICE Spring Fling Update & Donation Request

The Spring Fling is ICE's biggest fundraiser, and will take place this year on Friday June 1st, at the Dumbo Loft

Auction Donation Request:  Vacations

Some folks like to get away, take a holiday from the neighborhood….

Well, ICE families certainly do—vacation homes are always among the hottest auction items at the Spring Fling.

  • Can you donate a week or weekend at your vacation home?
  • Do you know anyone who works for a hotel or resort who could donate a vacation package?

Help your fellow ICE families escape the city for a few days, and help raise money for our kids!  Make your vacation donation—or any donation!—via our Online Donation Form.

Questions? Want to volunteer? Email

PTA Meeting on Screen Time

ICE Parents, what are you doing about too much screen time? The average child in America spends more time consuming electronic media than going to school, with many teenagers going online “almost constantly”. And parents aren’t necessarily being good role models.
On March 14th in Room 508 at 6:00pm Pete Karp will discuss the use of cell phones and social media, it will be a frank and open dialogue about his plans for phone usage at school, and his experiences. Pete will share strategies in households about the use of and monitoring of both phones and the social media sites.
Refreshments will be available.  We look forward to seeing you there!


Girls HS JV Soccer

Ninth and tenth grade ICE girls who think they may be interested in learning the ins and outs of soccer or just improving their skills in a friendly, encouraging, and fun environment should consider joining our JV soccer team!

Practices will be Tuesdays and Fridays after school (specific times TBD).  Interested players should complete this interest form (Girls JV Soccer Sign-up) and stop by JD's room (508) on Monday during lunch for an information al meeting.  The game schedule can be found here: ICE JV Soccer Games.  Go ICE!

Junior College Night

All junior parents on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14th at 6PM in ROOM 518 Carolyn Cohen, College Counselor will be hosting College Night.  At this meeting a representative from Clark University will speak about many aspects of the college process in general and I will speak more specifically about the process for ICE students.  I urge all of you to attend!
Your students do not need to attend as they will hear all of the information in class with me.
Also, if you have not already done so, please fill out the Parent Survey AND schedule a meeting with Carolyn and your child (your child must attend this meeting) HERE
For other college related post visit the College Corner tab on the ICE Website.

Parent Teacher Conferences

The Appointment Scheduler closes on Saturday (tomorrow) at 8:00pm.

Families on the Wait List will be able to sign themselves up for any available appointments on Monday, March 5th from 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM on a first come first serve basis. 

If you are not able to schedule an appointment with your child's teacher during the regular sign up period or during the Wait List period email your teacher and arrange for a phone, email or in-person appointment for another day. 

Sign Up Instructions:

  1. Use this link for access to the Appointment Scheduler
  2. You are not required to have a Signup Genius Account however if you have one you should sign in.
  3. Select your Teacher from the list
  4. Find a time slot that best fits your schedule & click Signup
  5. Then click on the Submit & Signup button at the bottom of the page
  6. Your Name, Email & Child’s Name is required.
  7. When finished entering the required information click the  Sign Up Now button
  8. An email reminder will be sent to parents 1 day before the date they signed up

Parents who have questions about the sign-up please contact the sign-up Administrator at

Meet the Spring Fling Committee!

We thought we'd introduce all of the awesome parents working to make the Spring Fling happen. 

We're gathering donations for an awesome auction and planning a super-fun party for June1st. Have something to donate? Want to join the committee or just volunteer to help out a bit? Hit us up if you see us around ICE, or reach out to us by email.  

Johanna Abinusawa,(Adetayo Abinusawa, 9th)
Stephanie Anderson (Elle Aronowitz, 702)
Arnold Barkus  & Gabrielle Hamill (Ali Barkus, 601)
Jennifer Belle (Jasper Krents, 703)
Miguel Clarke (Maddox Clarke, 802)
Rachel Cohen (Isaac Smith, 801)
Kristen Couse (Wile Schwarz-Couse, 802)
Kirsti Craig (Wyatt Craig-Michaels, 10th)
Amy Gropp Forbes (Beatrice 6th+ Owen + Oliver Forbes 9th)
Arza Gilad (Aya Gilad-Muth, 603)
Rene van Haaften (Cleo Van Haaften, 601)
Gail Greenberg (Ava Hanadel, 902)
Raheesha Harrison (Savannah Harrison, 602)
Ileen Kohn (Milena Sosa, 1101)
Annette Tacconelli (Sal Pinciotti,1003)

ICE PAC (Parent Action/Education Advocacy Committee

We are pleased to announce that we now have video ready from the 2/7/18 event, A Standardized Test is a Poor Substitute for Justice: the Intersection of High-Stakes Testing and Race in NYC schools. The video is broken into 6 sections (with one more to come). Part 1, "Black Childhood Matters," showcases moderator Takiema Bunche Smith's moving opening remarks. Links to the other sections ("Related Videos") can be found in the description that accompanies that video. If you have limited time to watch, definitely catch Part 4a (featuring ICE teacher Jehan) and Part 4b (featuring ICE senior & Posse Scholar Chris Lopez); they did us proud.

The state ELA & Math tests are around the corner (2nd week of April and early May). The school is obligated by law to offer the tests, but students are not required to take them. If you wish to refuse the tests for your child, you'll see ICE PAC parents with test refusal ("opt out") letters roaming around parent-teacher conferences next week. You sign; we'll collect and deliver to administration. New to the school and wonder what opt out looks like at ICE? If this year is anything like the previous 5, the vast majority (over 80%) of students will not be taking the tests. Practically speaking, that means that unlike at many other schools, testing days will look more or less like regular school days, with most teachers staying with their classes and teaching. A few will proctor exams for those students who choose to test. In the coming weeks, ICE PAC will be distributing information about the tests and initiating gradewide test-focused e-discussions. We look forward to answering any testing or opt out questions you may have at that time.

ICE Spring Fling Committee Needs Help from You!

Want to meet more parents and feel connected to the ICE community? Feeling guilty because you haven’t been involved? Here’s the opportunity you’ve been looking for!
The Spring Fling Committee is hard at work, making plans for the best ever Spring Fling, coming up on June 1st. Please volunteer to help. If this job doesn’t sound right for you, let them know you’d like to do something else, you won’t be turned away. Reply via email
The Spring Fling Needs Help Soliciting Donations!
We need another awesome volunteer to help us find donations for the auction. As part of the existing Soliciting Team, you would:

  • Contact past donors to see if they can donate again
  • Think of new donors who we can reach out to, and reach out to them
  • Work with Stephanie Anderson, the SF Committee member in charge of Outreach, to solicit donations from the ICE parents 
  • Follow up with donors to make sure that promised donations are received
  • Input donor and donation information & track donations using a simple online database (we'll show you how to use it, it's easy as pie)
  • Attend a handful of Spring Fling meetings over the next few months


Girls HS JV Soccer

Ninth and tenth grade ICE girls who think they may be interested in learning the ins and outs of soccer or just improving their skills in a friendly, encouraging, and fun environment should consider joining our JV soccer team!

Practices will be Tuesdays and Fridays after school (specific times TBD).  Interested players should complete this interest form (Girls JV Soccer Sign-up) and stop by JD's room (508) on Monday during lunch for an information al meeting.  The game schedule can be found here: ICE JV Soccer Games.  Go ICE!


Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences

The Appointment Scheduler closes on Saturday (tomorrow) at 8:00pm.
Families on the Wait List will be able to sign themselves up for any available appointments on Monday, March 5th from 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM on a first come first serve basis. 

If you are not able to schedule an appointment with your child's teacher during the regular sign up period or during the Wait List period email your teacher and arrange for a phone, email or in-person appointment for another day. 

Sign Up Instructions:

  • Use this link for access to the Appointment Scheduler
  • You are not required to have a Signup Genius Account however if you have one you should sign in.
  • Select your teacher from the list
  • Find a time slot that best fits your schedule & click Signup
  • Then click on the Submit & Signup button at the bottom of the page
  • Your Name, Email & Child’s Name is required.
  • When finished entering the required information click the  Sign Up Now button

An email reminder will be sent to parents one day before the date they signed up.

Parents who have questions about the sign-up please contact the sign-up Administrator at

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, March 7th 5:00pm – 8:00 pm and on Friday, March 9th 1:30pm - 4:30 pm in the 2nd floor cafeterias located on the 16th street side of the building. 

We will be using an online appointment sign up to schedule a conference with your current teachers all on a first come first serve basis. Appointments are 5 minutes long so plan accordingly to leave your self -adequate time to go from one meeting to the next. 

Families who do not have access to a computer should contact their child’s Advisor to arrange for Wait List Appointments. Please provide the best date and timeframes for the appointments. Parents who are not able to meet with their teachers during the available dates & times should email teachers directly to arrange for a phone or email discussion. 

The appointment Sign Up begins on Wednesday, February 28th at 8:00 pm and will end on Saturday, March 3rd at 8:00 pm

Please click here for sign up instructions