We are writing to invite you to participate in evaluating student work at the Institute for Collaborative Education's 6th Annual Math Panel Presentation on Wednesday, January 10th and Thursday, January 18th, 2018.
Our math graduation requirement encourages students to research and complete math projects in fields in which they are passionate. Our seniors have immersed themselves in real professions and hobbies and have designed and solved problems in these professions highlighting the use of math in the world.
We invite you to be part of student presentations to hear about math used in these professions and hobbies and engage in intellectual conversations about math with our students. Each student panel will last one hour and there will be two presentations on each day:
On Wednesday, January 10th
3:15 - 4:15: Senior Math Panels - Round 1
4:15 - 5:15: Senior Math Panels - Round 2
On Thursday, January 18th
3:15 - 4:15: Senior Math Panels - Round 1
4:15 - 5:15: Senior Math Panels - Round 2
We are looking for a commitment of approximately two hours from each evaluator, from 3:15-5:15 pm, but also welcome evaluators who can participate in only one of the panel evaluation rounds. Participation does not require prior content knowledge on your part and all volunteer evaluators will be partnered with at least two ICE Teachers with one math expert. No matter your skill level, you will be an important part of the math conversation!
If you would like to attend to be an evaluator, please sign up via the Google Document, found by clicking this link.
Be sure to click on the sheet of the date you would like to attend and list your first and last name, your email address, your relationship to ICE, and whether or not you can stay for both rounds.
Our address is: Institute for Collaborative Education, 345 East 15th Street , 5th Floor New York, NY 10003
Evaluators show up on the day they signed up for and come to the 5th floor by 3:00 pm for room assignments. The night prior to the panel dates, more information will be emailed to those who have signed up. If you have any questions, please contact AP Mark Mazzone.
Thanks in advance for coming to see what our seniors have learned over their time at ICE in math and for being an integral part of helping them fulfill their math graduation requirement! Please forward to all who may be interested!
-The ICE Math Department (Mark, Patty, Paul, Natalie, Danielle, Chelsea, and Matt)