Dear ICE families:
This report aired this morning on WNYC:
I hope you will be as honored as I am that WNYC identified ICE as a school that provides a successful alternative to high stakes tests to demonstrate proficiency towards high school graduation. A journalist from WNYC/ NPR attended our Neuroscience Exhibition two weeks ago, and to her credit she observed 2 rounds of presentations and interviewed students, teachers and parents. While the real story goes much deeper, I thought Ms. Fertig represented ICE and performance-based assessment positively. ICE students Micki Lee Coleman-Palansky, Kira James, Asha Reed-Jones and Zander Buswinka deserve more than a shout out for their effective descriptions of their work, and the process that they most recently completed for their 11th Grade Science Graduation Requirement.
There will be more to come on the subject of performance based assessment. We are entering a phase as a community in which we will all need to represent our choice to be part of this approach to assessment and instruction while the NYS Board of Regents decides how to vote, and how to advocate in Albany. As always, your voices need to be heard, as do the voices of our students like those in the radio report. I hope you will join me as we advocate for what we practice at ICE.
Take care for now